How to Get Testosterone Prescribed in Australia

How to Get Testosterone Prescribed in Australia

Why Testosterone Is Important

To learn how to get Testosterone prescribed in Australia, one needs to learn more about Testosterone, which is found in humans and animals both. In women also, the production of testosterone takes place due to ovaries but in very small amounts. While on the other hand, testicles make testosterone in men. Usually, the body produces more testosterone during the phase of puberty, and it starts to fall off once someone hits 30 years or more. One needs to understand for a sex drive Testosterone is the one that is important as it plays a huge role in the production of sperm. The testosterone level affects the muscle mass and bone, where a man’s body stores fat. The testosterone affects the production of red blood cells.

Importance of Prescription

Doctors have started prescribing Testosterone, and it has become too common. Treat symptoms associated with sexual dysfunction in men and the problem of hot flashes in women can be treated by prescribing Testosterone. Get a testosterone prescription online from the doctor, which leads to an increase in bone mass and a sense of well-being along with an improvement in libido. With the use of testosterone, an improvement in energy levels and mood can be noticed, especially in individuals with chronic diseases and immunodeficiency virus infection. The administration of testosterone is done by patch, topical gel, implant, pill, or injection.


The level of testosterone spikes during early adulthood and adolescence as the production increases almost by 30 times. But, they start to decline by almost 1% each year once a man hits 30 years. The role of testosterone is huge. So, let’s understand the benefits of high testosterone levels:

  1. More Muscle, Less Fat

Increased muscle mass can be noticed in men with high testosterone levels. The lean body mass helps increase energy and control weight. Men with low testosterone can choose testosterone therapy along with exercise and strength training. Going alone for testosterone therapy, one notices increased muscle strength and size along with decreased fat mass.

  • Blood and Healthy Heart

Testosterone has a strong role as it helps in the cell production of red blood via the bone marrow. Whenever the testosterone levels reduce, they start to link with different cardiovascular risks. However, the heart pumps blood to the entire body, giving organs and muscles oxygen for improved performance.

  • Improved Spatial Abilities and Verbal Memory

There is a variety of research that shows men having higher levels of testosterone notice reduced chances of Alzheimer’s disease. We can also see a strong correlation between thinking abilities and testosterone, such as fast processing speed and verbal memory. One can notice an improvement in spatial memory due to the testosterone treatment between 34-70 years of age.

  • Better Libido

Whenever a person feels sexually aroused, the testosterone levels tend to rise. A great sexual activity can be noticed in men having higher levels of testosterone. Old-aged men require an improved level of testosterone for erectile dysfunction and libido. But, one needs to understand that erectile dysfunction happens due to various conditions.

  • Stronger Bones

In bone mineral density, testosterone plays a major role. With the increasing age of men, testosterone levels get to drop. This further raises the risks of osteoporosis and weak bones. Having strong bones, one easily gets support for internal organs and muscles, boosting athletic performance.


There are Prescription Testosterone Treatments that are available in skin patches, intramuscular injections, and gels. Each one of them has its associated side effects, such as Intramuscular injections leading to mood swings, patches of skin irritation, and gel that are meant not to be shared. The various other side effects of testosterone therapy are:

  • Fluid Retention
  • Breast Enlargement
  • Decreased Sperm Count
  • Increased Acne
  • Increased Aggressive Behaviors
  • Increased Urination

Men having breast or prostate cancer are not advisable to undergo testosterone treatment. In older people, testosterone therapy can worsen the condition of sleep apnea.

Types of Testosterone Treatments

Testosterone is known to be a Schedule III drug. It is available only when prescribed by the doctor. In the market, there are various supplements available stating they can boost testosterone. Various over-the-counter products claim to have testosterone but lack evidence.

  • Injections (Depo-Testosterone)

This treatment was introduced in 1979. This is a liquid-designed drug for injecting testosterone into the gluteal muscle. It has the active ingredient testosterone cypionate, a power mix with various other ingredients to make a solution. The two strengths of the drug are 100 mg and 200 mg.

  • Gels (Testin and Androgel)

It is a prescription-based medicine that can be applied to a man’s skin. One can apply it on the upper arms, shoulders, and abdomen. The testosterone gel can easily be transferred from one body to another’s body through skin-to-skin contact. One can apply gel to prevent gel transfer on clean and dry skin. You can cover the area with a cloth.

  • Patches (Androderm)

The endoderm is a testosterone transdermal patch that comes as patches and can easily be applied to the skin. Whenever patches are applied around the skin simultaneously and left for 24 hours, it gives effective results.

  • Boosters (Testofen)

These are not testosterone therapeutics. Moreover, these are supplements with minor evidence. There has been insufficient data supporting claims that these products can increase sex drive and muscle mass.

  • Capsules (Android and Methyltestosterone)

The combination of estrogen-methyltestosterone capsules is now not in use. Earlier, they were used for treating delayed puberty in boys and men along with breast cancer in women. If it talks about Methyltestosterone, then it is an artificial formulation of testosterone. It is also available in tablets and capsules.

Australian Regulations on Testosterone Prescriptions

If someone has a low level of testosterone and it has been diagnosed via blood test, then TRT becomes legal in Australia.

Advice to Seek Proper Medical Treatment

When it comes to who can prescribe testosterone in Australia, then as per the American Urological Association, testosterone therapy can be recommended to men who can meet laboratory and clinical definitions of testosterone deficiency by a urologist, endocrinologist, or a sexual health physician. Your doctor may ask you to get your testosterone levels to be measured if in case you are going through the conditions mentioned below:

  • Bone density loss
  • HIV/AIDS positive
  • Unexplained Anemia
  • Low-trauma bone fracture
  • History of infertility
  • Chronic narcotic use
  • Pituitary gland disorders

There can be instances if you don’t have any symptoms and signs, then also your doctor might advise you to get testosterone level to be tested:

  • Insulin resistance
  • History of chemotherapy
  • Use of corticosteroid medicines

Treatment options for low testosterone include testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in various forms, such as injections, gels, patches, and oral medications. The correct dosage of testosterone varies from person to person. Such as Testosign Gel 5g and Testosign 40 Mg a medical professional will customize the dosage according to your specific needs, ensuring optimal effectiveness and minimizing the risk of side effects. But don’t forget to check with your doctor before taking the medication.

Support Groups and Online Communities

To seek help regarding the diagnosis of testosterone, one can look for support groups and online communities that help the patients understand their medical condition. Such online platforms are:

Enhanced Mens Clinic: It is an online membership service-based platform that helps Australian men and medical practitioners with low testosterone problems. Their service allows the process of organizing doctor consultations, logistics, and pathology for any prescription.

Southeast Medical: This website is a valuable resource for the general public, offering evidence-based approaches to healthcare. Its design fosters a stronger doctor-patient relationship, enhancing communication and understanding.

In the End!

Remember, a testosterone deficiency will not get better off on its own. The level will keep on decreasing. Moreover, low testosterone can lead to depression, lack of energy, sexual dysfunction, weakness, and frailty to the point where you become disabled. It would be best if you got an online testosterone prescription in Australia through the online portal. It can be concluded that a low level of testosterone can affect a man’s life too badly.

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